About the SCRA Foundation


icon-1In honor of our Active Duty and Veteran Servicemembers, the Founders of the SCRA Foundation are dedicated to the timely recognition and application of the Civil Rights of Servicemembers and their Families in the both the spirit and intent of the federal statute (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act), and as the United States Supreme Court has long held: [The] Act is to always be liberally construed to protect those who have been obliged to drop their own affairs to take up the burdens of the nation. Boone v Lightner, 319 US 561, 575; 63 S Ct 1223; 87 L Ed 1587 (1943). The federal court landmark case of Hurley v Deutsche Bank, et al., No. 08-cv-361, 2009 WL 701006 (W.D. Mich.) marks the first time in the history of our country that a jury was seated to hear a case brought by a soldier against a financial institution for violating the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The Founders of the SCRA Foundation and their team took the Hurley case to trial after over four years of litigation. As a result of the Hurley case, the SCRA was amended (Hurley Amendments) clearly stating that Servicemembers, and their dependents, can now bring suit to right civil wrongs against them: “Private Right of Action.” Learn more about the Hurley case.

The Founders of the SCRA Foundation seek to achieve the Foundation’s PURPOSES through its stated PROGRAM objectives of Identifying, Reporting, and Acting to effectively address the Civil Rights of Servicemembers and their Families.

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