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Judge’s Guide to Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (Revised) - Launch in Michigan to Servicemembers, federal and state judges, attorneys, media - Summer 2015; continue nationwide. [See “Cooley Judge’s Guide” detail, this page. The Revised Judge’s Guide will also be posted to this website. Please donate by Military Consumer Protection Day, 15 July 2015 Thank you!]


The multi-billion dollar National Mortgage Settlement resulted in numerous funds targeted by states “to assist Military Service Members and Veterans with issues related to the foreclosure crisis."

Michigan is one example. See:


The SCRA Foundation provides direct support to Servicemembers and their Families to identify and act toward accessing and maximizing recovery potential from available state and national funds specifically set aside to help Active Duty and Veteran Servicemembers, and their Families.

See the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Summary of the National Mortgage Settlement:


To learn more, please  Contact us.


As part of its mission to Serve our Soldiers, the SCRA Foundation has as one of its core values to Identify, Report, and then Act against predatory and unlawful practices of lenders, vendors, and their lawyers who violate the civil rights of Servicemembers and their Families. These unlawful acts result in loss of Servicemembers’ homes, cars, personal property, even items kept in safe keeping within storage lockers while Servicemembers are deployed. Possibly the biggest, yet nearly silent, loss suffered by Servicemembers and their Families is the damage to and destruction of their credit flowing from predatory and unlawful practices of lenders, vendors, and their lawyers.

If you are a Servicemember, or a Family member of a Servicemember who believes you have been a victim of such practices, please Contact us.


As a result of, and in an effort to call attention to the alarming number of unlawful consumer financial acts committed against Servicemembers and their Families, departments such as the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau have organized the Military Consumer Protection Day. In 2015, Military Consumer Protection Day is 15 July. While no small task, and as part of its mission to Serve our Soldiers, the SCRA Foundation is committing resources to, and exploring the process of enforcing laws nationwide to protect the Military Consumer, much as non-servicemember consumers already have. Such enforcement at the federal and state level could provide enhanced benefits, and time to act to Servicemembers and their Families who fall victim to those who commit unlawful or predatory financial acts.



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