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The SCRA Foundation Purpose


No less an authority than Gen. George Washington once observed that “when we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.” Nearly a century and a half later, President Calvin Coolidge reflected similar sentiments and concern for our soldiers and sailors, remarking that “the nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten." In furtherance of such ideals, and with great respect and honor for our men and women in uniform, Congress enacted the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003, 50 USC App §§ 501-596 (the “SCRA” or “Act”), to protect the personal interests of Servicemembers at home while they protect the interests of our Country abroad.

The SCRA was signed into law on December 19, 2003, and has been subsequently amended in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. The Act replaces and expands the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (the “SSCRA”) of 1940. Although the SCRA considerably clarified the older SSCRA, many of the primary benefits and protections are the same.

The SCRA’s primary purpose is to strengthen our national defense by enabling military personnel “to devote [their] entire energy to the defense needs of the Nation." Thus, the legislative policy underlying the historic and existing enactments of the SCRA is to provide economic and procedural safeguards for Servicemembers on active military service. To accomplish this, the Act provides a wide range of benefits protecting Servicemembers from disadvantages that could arise because of their commitment to our Nation. Likewise, the Act is to always be “liberally construed” in favor of Servicemembers, and applied in a “broad spirit of gratitude towards service personnel.”

A stated purpose by Congress of the SCRA is to provide for the defense of our Nation.

Congress’ ability to create the SCRA is through its power to declare war.

Service to Servicemembers and Their Families… SOS

The SCRA Foundation directly implements the necessary actions for the SCRA to be effective in its mission and purpose of helping our Servicemembers and their Families in their task of defending our Nation. The SCRA Foundation, Inc., provides the assistance to our Soldiers and their Families through:

(1) Direct support to Servicemembers and their Families/Dependents, including court intervention.

(2) Education;

(a) Servicemembers and their Families;

(b) Judges and members of the judiciary;

(c) Attorneys;

(d) Legislators;

(e) Financial institutions and Bankers;

(f) Media;

(g) Public at large.

(3) Aid in the assistance of reducing homelessness of our Servicemembers, Veterans, and their Families.

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